Hair braiding is an ancient art, that truly does span all races and hair types, and I, for one, have always been fascinated by braided hair. I used to do my little sister's hair in 20 or more thin braids, secured by the teeny rubber bands they gave me at the orthodontist for my braces--I didnt know about the Nubian hair supply stores back then, and would use up all my teeth elastics on doing tiny braids. I have always loved the idea of having long, loooooooong hair that hung down my back in 2 braids, only to be undone at night like Ma Ingalls, or a mystical queen.
I like braids on boys and girls, men and women. they are fun to touch and they look awesome. Braided hair can mean so many things for so many people.
For me, I think that I look kind of dumb with long hair that is hanging there. BUT, UNLIKE everyother time I grow my hair long, decide I look lame and chop it all off into a neat and tidy little BOB, this time I am going to triumphantly ignore all those despicable hairdo-mags that tell you "if all you do with your long hair is pull it back then you need short hair"!!! I say NO WAY!
So, I am NOT going to cut off my hair, even if it is all freaky and damaged and uneven and mismatched and home-made and strange. Because so am I, and it is going to be super super beautiful, to me, someday. Long and wild and green and blue and decidedly, intentionally, happily, unique and uplifting and cheerily, radically, me.
I agree that braids are lovely - on any hair. I look in wonder at the girls in our GS troop who've sat for hours getting their hair done in amazing intricate braids!
I tried to find someone who would do that to Julia's hair (hers tangles soooo bad, braids could tame it) - but it's too straight :-(
Thats a shame about Julia's hair--couldnt they put some gel in it or something??
I want 2 blue braids down to the bottom of my ribs.
I miss my braid. *wistful sigh* Back before husband and child I had ass length bottle-red hair. I would wear it in one thick braid when I would go out clubbing. If a guy I didn't like started dancing too close I would do this cool (I thought) spin move that whipped my braid around. It was great. It was like a horse tail swatting at flies.
Anyway, I LOVE the Andrew Wyeth painting you have depicting the woman with pigtails. He's just about my favorite artist ever.
Have I mentioned I love all your blogs? ;-)
Howdy There !
I`m a 50 year old man from Bremen/Germany and I like to wear my hair braided in that Willie-Nelson-style. Many people applaud about my long braids.
See my Blog :
or my pics at :
have a good time
and very long braids
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