Wednesday, January 31, 2007

steppin' out

Ohh boy, after a day like yesterday, I needed to get outta dodge, for sure, so what did I do? I cracked outta here the second Steve got home---well, not the second he got home, because since he is a Sexy Chef now, I ate his spaghetti with homemade sauce, willingly, but THEN, I cracked out. Bye!

So I got in the Volvo, which I have always dubbed "Christine", in reference to the movie about the possesed evil car with a mind of its own. True to her name, Christine did do dome wierd stuff to me like not let me change the radio station, but she does have heated seats and my booty was cold! So that was really never more appreciated. I went to Barnes and Noble, since the delicious and filling spaghetti squelched my plans of getting a little secret treat, I got a fancy coffee and a stack of books and magazines and plunked myself down in a biiiiig soft chair. Ahhhhh is there anything much better to do for free on a Tuesday night, honestly?

I read until I came back into my body and felt a deep disconcerting paranoia that they must surely be closed by now, but they weren't. I read until my eyes went wavy. I read a dirty art book, Mothering magazine, OK magazine, BUST! magazine, and a book about how kids dont go outside enough. I read a bit of Bitch magazine but had to decide which I must buy and which i must simply love and leave. Since my sister paid me for the babysitting I was feelin flush and got both BUST! and Mothering.

They are SPECTACULAR issues, both of them. Mothering is my lifeline, my "people", my tribe, and this issue was just another glorious example of why. Mainstream parenting mags make me as sad and worried for new parents as the What-To-Expect books do......yikes yikes yikes!
This issue had everything from 2 kick-ass articles about homebirth from a skeptical-dads' point of view, an in-depth explanation of how to wear you baby in all these different types of carriers, fanatstic soup recipes for Steve to make us, and more! LOVE it.

this issue of BUST! had Gwen Stefani on the cover, whom I have been very mixed about. I liked her back in the day, but always felt that No Doubt was one small (but critical!) age-group younger than I was in, and that it was more my little sister's music. Their songs were catchy, and I liked her clothes kind of.... but then I thought she was gettin a bit cheesy and I DESPISE her new look, as I am vehemently against all 1980's throwback afshion and am quietly waiting this terrifying trend out. The 80's are the ugliets thing that ever happened toi mankind, and to revive it is just tragic. Gorgeous young girls looking like white trashers on purpose, it makes me cringe....jean skirts and leggings and gold mesh earrings....nasty nasty disgusting....makes me absolutely vomit. Gag me with a spoon ; )

So anyhow I read the G. Stefani interview and I like her again. They way she described her family growing up made me feel so happy. BUST! rocks, I have read it since it was a stapled together 'zine in Beth's basement, printed on a little home printer. I have the book of the girls who created BUST! and it is just always so sassy-kewl. they have a big interview with Kim and Thurston from SonicYouth, which was of course fantastical, and so much more. The ads in the back alone are worth twice the cover price. Anyone wanna borrow my copy when I am through with it is welcome. You won't be let down!

So I got outta the bookstore (sure am saying outta alot, huh?) with my 2 profoundly good magazines, and was happy to see that the pigs didn't give me a ticket even though I was waaay past my meter. I drove to Meijers and bought some grocery necessities to see us through the rest of the week. I put 4 bucks in Christine so Stevie wouldn't have to in the cold. I came home with a decent chunk of money still left, and a great new stride in my step. I Went Out and I had a blast! just me myself and I.


sneakmastergeneral said...

You mean to tell me you have 4 kids yet also have the cool factor of not only knowing who Kim and Thurston are, but also liking them! Why, if I were bith single and a lesbian I might be sniffing at your door. I so want to read that issue of Mothering you're talking about, since I can't for the life of me decide on, nor figure out, wraps/slings/carriers, but I want to. Which issue was it?

Housefairy said...

Hi there!
haha it was the new one, with a dad and a baby carrier on the cover, January February you HAVE to get it!

How many Sonic youth shows have I been to? 5 6 7? Please. they are practically family!

sneakmastergeneral said...

THanks, I'll get the new Mothering issue...weehooo...I love to read magazines...they're my favorite bath tub activity...other than sleeping and almost drowning of course. =)

I've never gotten to see Sonic sad for me.