Tuesday, January 23, 2007

as always, hair

So, I am growing my hair. I am growing it super long. I say this and then it looks super ugly and I cut it. But this time is different and I'll tell you why: I am getting to be an old house fairy! A little bit old...I feel that I don't have too many years left in which I will not be a complete fool if I have long hair in two braids with baby-bangs. UNLESS...I get this look right now and just stick with it! THEN i will be Joy That One Girl With The Long Long Hair In Those Braids, you know, the one who always has it green, blue, purple, she has had her hair like that FOREVER, I cant imagine it any other way...


So right now, it is dyed dark brown, the bottom is hopelessly shaggy and screwed up, but I put it into two little tiny ponytails. I have little bangs which keep me sane and keep my look vaguely a look. I do not know if they are here to stay (the bangs) but for now they really help!

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