Thursday, December 27, 2007

lemon blue

In an attempt to surprise grandmas for x-mas, I decided to bleach out all of my brown and blue hair and be a blonde again. I was planning on bleaching it all out to a light blonde and then maybe leaving it that way for a while. It needed a trim, it had lost all of its color and coolness and shape and I wanted a nice new look.

I used level 40 with a strong powder bleach kit (if you know about the beauty supply type of stuff this is the strongest there is) and slathered it all on. As the natural "roots" got blonder and blonder, the blue wasn't doing much of have experimented with color since I was 18 years old and this was news to me. I let it sit and sit and the roots went as light as they should be allowed to and still, over 50% of my hair was blue, bu a lighter blue. A beautiful if I may so say, very special shade of light light blue which i have always wanted but you cant really buy (that i know of)
So I washed it out, deep conditioned it and cut it a bit. Yellow head with 1/2 minty blue. I was pretty mortified but as we had a family party to be at in a matter of hours, i dried it and curled it and slapped in a semi-festive red flower thingy with red earrings, held my blue and yellow head up high and went to the party.

I don't know what to do now. I could try to go for a light blue or let it grow and grow and keep cutting the blue off and remember that blue can be verrrry hard to remove. I could re dye it blue which would be really vibrant with these freshly bleached roots. Ideas?


Kelley said...

I'm confused. Why did you bleach the blue out again? You look so pretty with a blue head. :)

Housefairy said...

Thank you for saying pretty. I dont know...It was so grown out that literally 1/2 of my head was light brown and half was faded blue. I thought I could start from scratch with all blinde and then maybe do like one pink streak or something totally new. Now it is kinda jacked up and I need to think.

Stacey said...

I *love* it, I think it is the prettiest by far!!! I love that shade of blue, it almost completely matches your eyes. And it looks so nice with the blonde. Keep it a while?

Anonymous said...

Blue and blonde looked a lot better than blue and brown. I love your hair most when it's blonde with subtle streaks of darker blonde/light brown.

Kelley said...

I think you look gorgeous no matter what your hair color is, though I am partial to blue. :)

Anonymous said...

like the blue and blonde!

Anonymous said...

Leave it as is - it's fun, unique, and a great color :)