Thursday, April 12, 2007

green hair

It is more than official.

After 6 months, which has really been 20 years, of searching, I have decided upon my final dream hair.

It is going to be deep green, like forest green. It is going to be long with bangs. I will curl it all beautiful in pink curlers or I will do braids. This will finalize all of the issues and displaced, misplaced asthetic problems I have run into since adoloescence. My love of punk and glamour, my not knowing if I wanted to be a skater boy or a screen siren, my desire to look super wierd and super pretty, to have grannies say "shed be cute if that horrible hair wasnt green" and to walk around and feel like myself!

So I am quite ecstatic. I need to bleach out all this blue and purple and faded lavender and get the green and maybe even a haircut at a place, just a trim on the bottom. Then I just need to keep on growin! It was a tiny bob at xmas time and now is to my shoulders in the back, so by next year, it should be super long. Too excited.


Barbnocity said...

I am glad I got to see your blue hair....I was so worried I would never get to see it and it looks so cool :)


Unknown said...

Thanks Barb! I have enjoyed having he blue hair more than I ever imagined, and I am really glad u like it. I can't wait for u to see the green when I do it!!!

sneakmastergeneral said...

I recently found old pics of me with short spiky red hair, a longer pink bob, short blond hair, and short black hair...and this was all in one year!...ahhh, 1999. I want to do things with my hair...and my clothes...I'm a frump.