Although there is a long lineage of oppression and repression associated with the skirt or dress as women's garb, there is also a rich history of this comfortable flattering garment as worn by both men and women. **In this post, I am referring to a twirly skirt, a spinny skirt, nothing tight or short.**
I am just in love with my skirts. I have three of them that I really love. Being a woman who has borne 5 children, there are regions of my body that would take a great great deal of effort to become pants-attractive, and frankly, it just isnt on today's to-do list. Ive said it before and ill say it again: in a great skirt, nobody knows if you have a flat tummy or a pillsbury doughboy pooch and same goes for your booty. I love blue jeans, god knows they are as American and as rock n roll as forever, but I just cant cant cant embrace the mom-butt, I cant I cant I CANT. Plus if they fit when I stand up, then they will dismember me when I sit down--and sitting on the floor, as in, a hundred times a day when raising little kids will find me, fugeddaboudit! OW. So if the jeans are comfortable enough to sit and bend and squat and crawl, then they are ugly or huge when I stand up and choose them in the dressing room---it all is bad.So, on to skirts. I thought I hated them, or I thought they were for funerals, church, or, a few inches shorter, for the dance clubs, bars and slut-o-ween costumes. I had all of this stuff in my head when I thought about skirts:
one breeze and you just gave everyone a free undie-show
cant play on the floor, cuz of the undie thing
cant play in the jungle gym (back in schooldays) cuz of the undie thing
too cold when it was cold out, too tangly and thigh-chafey when it was hot out
hard to find tights when you are 6 foot one....much harder when you are 6 foot one and overweight
so, when and how did the turn around come about? I guess it was a couple of years ago, maybe 3? I wanted something gentle on my cesarean incision area after Charlie was born and I ordered 2 soft flowy elastic waist skirts from OldNavy.com I was just gonna wear them around the house, with a tshirt and sandals. i instantly loved the look, and the "coverage" of the mystery tummy and mystery butt this 4th baby brought on.... but I was bummed out about undies showing and so DUH I slipped on a little pair of "bike shorts" and voila the best of all worlds was realized right then and there. These are not tight shiny gross Milli Vanilli spandex, just some little softy leggings I guess but that happen to be about knee length or a little shorter. Now I could have the happy freedom and dignity that pants afford us, as well as the cute twirlyness and happy modesty of my new skirts! Also, no thighs scraping, also, no cold breezes, also, no more hunting Scandinavian websites for Extra Tall 1X tights--now all I needed were knee high socks and thus the wonderful look was born.
I will never be without my skirts, nor will I ever be without my little undershorts-thingies. Today's bloomers, I suppose.
I have a beloved skirt that is very long and that everyone who knows me is probably so sick of, and it isnt available any longer, and me and my mom are gonna try to make some ourselves. Cant wait to unveil them, I want about 2 or 3. It is almost floor length and made up of 8 triangular panels.
I still like jeans but none look good right now and none feel even slightly tolerable. If you see me in jeans, know that my incision hurts and that I am slightly irritated.
I am a die-hard skirt wearer in the summer, at least. I still haven't found any good winter skirts. But nothing beats a nice knee-length skirt in the summer for comfort and staying cool.
I've had great luck ripping apart old and well-loved skirts and using the pieces as a pattern to make new skirts. You just have to make sure the new fabric is similar (so don't go from stretchy to woven, otherwise it won't fit you right).
I took your advice from a similar post a few months ago, and made a bunch of skirts for use after Rachel was born. So wonderful! I'm into jeans now, but I really love those skirts and I think I'm going to have to pull them out again soon. Thanks for the reminder.
I am almost certain you have NEVER seen me in anything but a skirt, or dress of some sort. I literally never wear pants, or jeans. I own two pair that I have had since my early 20's: button up, 501 Levi's, one blue, one black and yes, they still fit; they've been my "barometer" for getting back into shape after each kid! Once those jeans fit again, I'm back at my playing weight. I really prefer skirts/dresses though, for everything. I even wore them to births as it made it so much easier to get around. My friend, Jay, spent over a year in Tanzania on a Peace Corp assignment and told me that he became a skirt "convert" while there (although I have yet to see him wearing one ) and of course, there are "kilt" wearing men in the land of my forebears, Scotland! Skirts are just wonderful if you ask me!
So funny to read this post... I wear skirts for religious reasons. I find knee-length skirts too short when dealing with babies and toddlers - too much chance to flash the undies. I have several LONG jean skirts which sweep the floor when I move around the house. I love the way they look but I hate my toddler clinging to my skirt and the way I drag all the homeless legos along with me... I longed for a pair of jeans!! Finally, I bought them and change into them now whenever I'm at home for a few hours.
I do like your long bike shorts an knee socks idea for outside - I hate the way my tights droop and chafe my thighs...aaahhh...the grass is always greener, it seems. :)
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