Monday, February 11, 2008

fake bare minerals

Do you know that makeup that has the big infomercial, the bare minerals? Well, now all the drugstore brands of makeup have a fake kind that is much cheaper and i got one--I got the Maybelline kind, and it is quite nice. Good "coverage" and just an overall skin-tone to the otherwise pale and blotchy warzone that is the 5 month pregnant face of a very sick and tired girl in February. I now could go out of doors and be looked upon in the daylight and not cause screams of horror.

So...I recommend it but have a sneaking suspicion that the kind on TV is better. Mine was 8 bucks and that one is 30 or something...but you do get this fabulous "kit" and all this stuff...ahhh informercials, how you seduce me.


Kelley said...

Ah, well, sometimes we do have to bow to the demands of our pocketbooks rather than our real wants. Oh well. Another time, right? I just had to buy cheap-o face cleanser to replace the nicer, more expensive one that I accidentally left in the shower only to find 90% of it washed down the drain by my son who didn't realize he was doing something that would make me so unhappy. He thought it was some kind of cool toy.

Trish said...

Okay, Joy, we've gotta talk!
As you know, I sell Avon - it's not just for old ladies :-)
I sell a mineral make-up (and the eye shadow and blush, too) for about $4.99 (it's on sale as we speak). I actually have one on hand to sample.

I've always been curious to know if the "real thing" is better than what I've tried. I've watched that infomercial - tempted to pick up the phone :-) They are seductive, aren't they!